



2020-09-09 11:58:15


Blockchain Inc是伦敦最着名的软件开发公司之一,除了为比特币,比特币现金和以太坊提供钱包提供支持外,它还为开发者提供一系列工具,并向消费者提供实时数据,以分析和比较数字经济。Blockchain 是全球上规模最大、访问量最高的比特币钱包网站、服务平台。2014 年 7 月为止,注册用户已近 230 万,处理的交易额在 210 亿美元上下。当前团队共 8 人,包括 CEO Nicolas Cary+COO Peter Smith + CTO Ben Reeves,嗯,三驾马车”。

Nicolas 酷爱户外活动和旅行——在他看来,比特币背后所饱含的自由市场之精神和这两项爱好是相通的——创建 Blockchain 前他曾拿到 60 万美元种子基金建立 Safello——欧洲最快的比特币转销商”。

Peter 则在 Lotus/Domino 软件解决方案公司 IONET担任总监,对发布、融资、运营的事情得心应手。和 Nicolas 一样,他也很认可去中心化技术。

Ben 是个 技术宅”,14 岁时做出了第一个作品:一款搜索引擎。读 CS 硕士期间,比特币开始抛头露面,他在那时成为了全球首批开发比特币消费者产品的程序员之一。

志趣相投、技能上的彼此补足让大家走到了一起。2011 年 8 月,Blockchain 在伦敦成立,而能走到今天并且这么体面,BitAngels 功劳不小。


Robiul Islam10星评价

2020-09-02 11:59:57

I'll say is among the best and safest only if you follow their security instructions. You only loose your money if you don't abide by their security tips. It is a fast functional wallet that is quick to setup and easy to use, making it one of the best online wallets on the market.

It is everything you could need with the usual features and slick easy performance. The wallet security should be good enough for small balances and transactions, but you’d obviously sleep better at night storing your big amount in a hardware wallet.

It is recommended that the wallet should be used for lower transactions and holding large sums in the platform is not a wise idea. If you’re looking to hold larger quantities of Bitcoin, it’s recommended you use a hard wallet.

User interface design is awesome and can be without trouble navigated.

You can buy and sell crypto straight away through your wallet.

It mechanically generates a new wallet address after each digital transaction.

You can choose to see your balance displayed in your local currency.

Advanced security features, such as 2step verification.

You can easily pair your web wallet with a mobile device by scanning a QR code.

Well-liked for small transactions and regular payments.

The company is based in Luxembourg, a country noted for having a legal structure that protects individual privacy.

People like the smartphone app’s functionality.

Only compatible with limited cryptocurrencies.

Hardware wallets more safest than software wallet.

You cannot purchase cryptocurrencies with fiat directly through Wallet.

There are claims that customer support is often unhelpful or completely elusive.


Saloote Sakai5星评价

2020-09-03 12:02:24

When I was researching bitcoin, I came across the blockchain wallet, and because of its simple name, I thought it was the main wallet (the official wallet offered for bitcoin). But after a while, I realized that this wallet, like all other Bitcoin wallets, was offered by a different company (of course, some altcoins have proprietary and official wallets, but Bitcoin is not).

Blockchain has excellent security and one of its features, which I think is very useful, is the ability to manually determine transaction fees, which we can pay different fees depending on the urgency of sending.

This is one of the most popular wallets to hold bitcoins and several other cryptocurrencies.

I have been keeping my bitcoins in it for a long time and so far I have not had any problems with its security.

One of the interesting features of this wallet is that we can view the balance based on our local currency. Also, the possibility of activating the two-step login has increased its security more than before.

I use the ios application of this wallet and its beautiful design is great.

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币种价格24H 涨跌幅
  • FTT



    2.4923 USDT
  • BTC



    87,635.17 USDT
  • CFX

    Conflux Token


    0.09330 USDT
  • XCH



    16.1241 USDT
  • DOGE



    0.18724 USDT
  • TRX



    0.22740 USDT
  • FIL



    3.13 USDT
  • SOL



    143.72 USDT
  • SHIB



    1.735E-5 USDT
  • CELO



    0.39100 USDT
  • DYDX



    0.9004 USDT
  • HT



    0.5226 USDT