在这里,我们将使用python实现梯度下降的简单表示。我们将创建一个任意的损失函数,并试图找到该函数的局部最小值。我函数:- f(x)= x³5 x²+ 7
import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlinecreating the function and plotting it function = lambda x: (x ** 3)-(3 *(x ** 2))+7#Get 1000 evenly spaced numbers between -1 and 3 (arbitratil chosen to ensure steep curve)x = np.linspace(-1,3,500)#Plot the curveplt.plot(x, function(x))plt.show()
def deriv(x): ''' Description: This function takes in a value of x and returns its derivative based on the initial function we specified. Arguments: x - a numerical value of x Returns: x_deriv - a numerical value of the derivative of x ''' x_deriv = 3* (x**2) - (6 * (x)) return x_derivdef step(x_new, x_prev, precision, l_r): ''' Description: This function takes in an initial or previous value for x, updates it based on steps taken via the learning rate and outputs the most minimum value of x that reaches the precision satisfaction. Arguments: x_new - a starting value of x that will get updated based on the learning rate x_prev - the previous value of x that is getting updated to the new one precision - a precision that determines the stop of the stepwise descent l_r - the learning rate (size of each descent step) Output: 1. Prints out the latest new value of x which equates to the minimum we are looking for 2. Prints out the the number of x values which equates to the number of gradient descent steps 3. Plots a first graph of the function with the gradient descent path 4. Plots a second graph of the function with a zoomed in gradient descent path in the important area ''' # create empty lists where the updated values of x and y wil be appended during each iteration x_list, y_list = [x_new], [function(x_new)] # keep looping until your desired precision while abs(x_new - x_prev) > precision: # change the value of x x_prev = x_new # get the derivation of the old value of x d_x = - deriv(x_prev) # get your new value of x by adding the previous, the multiplication of the derivative and the learning rate x_new = x_prev + (l_r * d_x) # append the new value of x to a list of all x-s for later visualization of path x_list.append(x_new) # append the new value of y to a list of all y-s for later visualization of path y_list.append(function(x_new)) print ("Local minimum occurs at: "+ str(x_new)) print ("Number of steps: " + str(len(x_list))) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.scatter(x_list,y_list,c="g") plt.plot(x_list,y_list,c="g") plt.plot(x,function(x), c="r") plt.title("Gradient descent") plt.show() plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.scatter(x_list,y_list,c="g") plt.plot(x_list,y_list,c="g") plt.plot(x,function(x), c="r") plt.xlim([1.0,2.1]) plt.title("Zoomed in Gradient descent to Key Area") plt.show()
#Implement gradient descent (all the arguments are arbitrarily chosen)step(0.5, 0, 0.001, 0.05)