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meow 还提到在很长的一段时间内其将全心投入 JUP,并预告即将公布重大消息。
Drift 在过去一周内达成了超过 9 亿美元的交易量。Solana 上 USDC 的 DeFi 借贷利率平均为 8.5% APR。Drift 的总锁定价值 (TVL) 中只有 22% 是以流行的稳定币持有。
Synthetix 在 Optimism、Base 和 Arbitrum 上的衍生品交易量已超过 630 亿美元。USDC 流动性的 7 天平均年化收益率 (APR) 从 5% 飙升至超过 20%。sBTC 和 sETH 的未平仓头寸从 5000 万美元扩大到超过 1.5 亿美元。
GMX V2 的 1.09 亿美元 TVL 显示了其在为蓝筹资产、长尾资产提供良好收益方面的成功。GMX V2 为协议产生了接近 6600 万美元的收入。
Vertex 达到 1300 亿美元的历史总交易量。平台 42% 的 $VRTX 代币被质押。
Perennial 日均交易量突破 4400 万美元。Perennial 的平均做市杠杆上升了 229%。资金利率从高达 5% 下降到现在的约 0.01%。
本次投票也结束了本季度的 ASR 奖励,新的 DAO 页面和 ASR claim 将在 2 周内发布。
根据草案内容,Jupiter 团队“强烈”推荐第一个选项,认为 ASR 计划在促进社区参与和 DAO 投票方面成效显著。过去两个季度,已有 361M JUP 被质押,超过 58.5 万个地址参与,平均每次投票参与量达 280M JUP。若采用选项一,每季度将分发 50M JUP 给投票者,持续四个季度。
BLOCKCHAIN is cutting edge technology that has the ability to solve many fundamental problems in society. Using Jupiter, we strive to make this technology accessible by everyone and that is why we created Gravity, a versatile framework that interfaces with our blockchain, Jupiter. Gravity allows us to build distributed applications (DAPPS) that solve issues involving trust, provenance, privacy, security and accountability, for businesses and consumers alike. With Gravity, legacy applications can be upgraded to a blockchain-enabled web application with the capability of storing data in an encrypted, immutable and replicated fashion. Our applications can be internal or external facing based on the clients and regulatory requirements. The open-source Jupiter software is the core of our operations. It powers our public blockchain, allowing anyone to participate. Jupiter can also be deployed in a private network based on the clients’ requirements for their approved users only. Data is always encrypted – Locally at the level of the application using military-grade encryption, then it is sent to processing nodes via SSL and encrypted using Jupiter’s built in protocol encryption before being stored. Automatic data replication across nodes – Jupiter fully and automatically replicates data to any conforming node on the Jupiter network. A private blockchain is an alternative to store sensitive information whereby company policy or laws make it impossible to store them on the public chain. Data is immutable, nodes are easily replaced – Every node in a public decentralized system or private blockchain has a consensus correct copy of the blockchain database. Data quality is maintained and agreed upon by consensus algorithms and stored in a computationally trusted decentralized database which allows full verification.